Japanese Import Pros

Toyota Spring Maintenance Checklist

Spring has finally sprung! As the warm air makes its way to the Charleston area, many of us are feeling the itch to clean things up, get on the maintenance bandwagon and prepare for the summer vacation road trip ahead

Spring has finally sprung! As the warm air makes its way to the Charleston area, many of us are feeling the itch to clean things up, get on the maintenance bandwagon and prepare for the summer vacation road trip ahead. If it has been a while since you have done much to maintain your car, now is the perfect time for a little TLC. We’ve conveniently compiled a spring maintenance checklist to get you on your way, from our Toyota service in Charleston, SC pros!

Oil Filter and Oil Change

The oils on your car are essential to help your car to operate as efficiently as possible. Oil is what helps your engine stay healthy. It also helps to sift through impurities, which can limit the oil’s ability to work as well as possible. Regular oil and oil filter changes are necessary to reduce wear and tear and friction. As the oil becomes older, it won’t be as effective. As we head into spring, now is the perfect time to change things up if they have been sitting through the long winter.

Have Your Battery Tested and Replaced If Necessary

The cold weather conditions and sitting idle over the winter might have taken their toll on your battery. As temperatures dip, your battery has to work harder and to compensate, it slows down chemical reactions. As the hot weather heats things up, it will lead to more evaporation of the fluid in your battery, and if it isn’t in good condition to start with, the battery might cut out.

Prevention is always the best medicine for cars, so make sure that you test your battery to see where it is to avoid being stuck somewhere. If your battery isn’t performing as it should, replacing it is always going to cost less than having it towed or having to call roadside assistance to jump it.

Check Tire Treads and Pressure

If you are going to be hitting the road this summer, make sure that your tires are as ready as you are. Ideally, your tire pressure should be where your manufacturer recommends – not only for safety reasons, but also to get the most from your gas mileage.

The rule of thumb is that for every ten-degree rise in temperature, your tire either loses or gains one pound per share, which can mean that it is either deflated or inflated more than it should be. Also, having proper treads on your tires will help your car grip the road, which is especially critical during spring showers. If you are low on either tread or air, address it now to be ready to head out on time for your summer explorations.

Refill Wiper Fluid and Replace Blades

The biggest problem with your wipers is that a lot of times, you don’t know that they aren’t working until you are in a storm and, well, they aren’t working. Fill up the fluid and make sure to remove bugs from the shield for a better view, and replace the wipers so that they work! That way, you won’t be midway to your destination before you realize that your wiper blades aren’t working well enough for you to see through the storm!

Replace and Clean Headlights and Tail Lights

The last person to know when headlights or tail lights aren’t working is the driver behind the wheel. Have someone else make sure that your bulbs are functional. If you notice that there is a haze in your headlights, some baking soda, toothbrush, and water might be in order to remove it. It is hard enough to see while you are off-roading on your summer vacation; reduce the risk that people won’t be able to see you either.

As the warm air rushes in, now is the perfect time for you to perform spring maintenance so that your car will be ready to hit the road for your summer travels. Some quick prevention is an excellent way to reduce the costs associated with getting stuck – or worse yet, the dangers of an accident. These are quick tips from our pros for Toyota service in Charleston, SC for a much smoother and safer ride! Contact Japanese Import Pros to schedule your regular maintenance today!

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